Cannellos Search Associates
year established
- Retained
specialties 10 most popular
- Accounting
- Biotechnology
- Consumer Product
- Distribution & Logistics
- Energy
- Financial
- Food Services
- Generalist
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
searches in
- North America
Cannellos Search Associates, LLC (CSA) is an established national retained executive search firm focused on several industries including: consumer, retail, supermarket, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical devices, and technology. Using our extensive network of industry leaders, we have established an excellent track record for filling key executive positions in a wide range of functions including specializing in the C-Suite and the Office of the CFO, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Business Development, Human Resources, ales Management, Research & Development, Medical Affairs, Regulatory, Global Supply Chain, and Manufacturing.
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Rick Cannellos
Managing Partner/Executive Search Consultant
New Jersey, USA