CTK Consulting, LLC
year established
firm size
- Contingency
- Retained
- Outplacement
- Interim Staffing
- Information Technology
searches in
- North America
Our staff offers a personalized, consultative approach to creating successful employment relationships - giving you the appropriate client at the appropriate time. We follow a process that streamlines the search process and delivers the right candidate to you, minimizing the time you spend on searching and interviewing. We go the extra mile by pre-screening and performing interviews before we ever submit a candidate to you.
From our experience as hiring managers, we are sensitive to your needs and know what to look for and how to find just the right fit for your company and your position. We understand how frustrating it is to spend countless hours wading through candidates that are not even qualified, much less a good fit for the position. Time equals money and CTK Consulting is your solution. That's what sets CTK Consulting apart from other recruiting and stuffing companies, our ability to provide you with only well-qualified candidates for your position and your company. We know that everyone wins when the right professional is matched to the right company.
We think of our office as an extension of our client's office, and we ensure that staffing needs are met with trust and confidence. There are no fees without results. That means we only charge when we find the right person for your company. No upfront fees.
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Craig Koppenhaver
President / CEO
New Jersey, USA
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