Myers Search Consultants
year established
firm size
- Retained
- Generalist
searches in
- North America
Myers Search Consulting, LLC is a retained recruiting firm. We conduct searches for professional positions across all industries and functional areas. Our client history includes Fortune 500 companies, leading edge technology companies, as well as growing enterprises.
Recruiting and retaining an effective team is critical in today’s business climate. Myers Search Consulting provides customized solutions to talent research and acquisition. We partner with organizations to recruit and retain key talent which is essential to remain competitive in today’s market conditions.
Our mission is to deliver the best candidates to you, based on a customized and thorough search and screening process. In our retained search process, we work closely with you to define search strategy, identify and execute original research, create position specifications and provide market feedback to you on each search assignment. We will outline and commit to a timeframe of results. We assist in the negotiations at the offer stage and on-boarding top talent post hire.
We are interested in building long term client relationships with you and foster open and thorough communication with you in order to understand your business and your challenges. We bring over forty years of experience in recruitment and building talent acquisition strategies within organizations of all sizes. We also have expertise in human resource consulting in the areas of recruitment process and systems.
We begin by partnering with your hiring managers in building a search strategy based on your business and market conditions. The strategy is the foundation of the successful search.
Turnover is costly. Duplicating search efforts is also costly. Myers Search Consulting is committed to partnering with you for results the first time. We design a search process that provides a customized solution and a return on the investment our clients make through providing timely results in a cost effective manner.
Myers Search Consulting is committed to a positive search experience with our clients and our candidates.
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Ann C Myers
Minnesota, USA