Susan Cejka
Managing Partner
Grant Cooper Healthcare Executive Search Firm
St. Louis
- Healthcare
Prior to joining Grant Cooper & Associates, Susan (Sue) Cejka founded and later sold St. Louis based Cejka & Company, a healthcare consulting and search firm. Started in 1981 as a one-woman operation, the firm grew to a professional staff of more than 100, conducting over 600 assignments each year for clients throughout the country. At the time it was sold, it ranked as the 11th largest executive search firm in the country.
Accordingly, Sue Cejka has been one of the most respected and visible leaders in healthcare exeucitve search for over 25 years. During this time she has personally conducted assignments for both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Areas of concentration include hospitals, integrated delivery systems, large group practices, managed care, insurance, and academic medical centers.
Her unique achievements as a business leader, entrepreneur and consultant make her a highly sought speaker and/or faculty member for prestigious healthcare and civic organizations. She is a member of the Editorial Board of The Physician Executive Journal, serves as an Advisor to The Advisory Board Company/The Governance Committee on a number of their studies, and is a Faculty Member for the American College of Physician Executives and The American College of Healthcare Executives. In addition, Ms. Cejka was a recipient of the Ernst & Young/Merrill Lynch/INC Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
Sue spent her early career as a CPA. She is a graduate of the University of Missouri and is a board member of the University of Missouri School of Business and the Women's Forum.