Jeff Holloway


Amrop Knightsbridge



  • Media
  • Banking
  • Construction


Director and Partner in Amrop Top Management in Cali since 2006. He has been involved in different business activities for more than 30 years, managing roles of great local impact in the private sector, being a member of a number of boards of directors from different companies in the area, such as: -Constructora Meléndez, Caja de Compensación Familiar Comfandi, Servicios Occidental de Salud S.O.S., Unidad de Acción Vallecaucana ,Club Colombia, Fundación el Cinco, Consejo Asesor Emcali y Consejo Editorial del País, as well as Junta de Acción Vallecaucana in which he is the current President of the board of directors. Qualified as a lawyer, graduated from San Buenaventura University. He has strong professional experience in the sectors of Banking, Construction, and Media.