Ms. Patricia DeLaney Lang
Pappas DeLaney, LLC
- Engineering
- Consumer Product
- Insurance
- Manufacturing
- Banking
- Direct Marketing
- Publishing
- Chemical
- Sales
- Human Resource
- Automotive
- Generalist
- Financial
- Information Technology
Patricia DeLaney Lang brings 20 years of internal and external consulting experience to her position as Principal of the firm she co-founded, Pappas DeLaney, LLC. Pat has served a diverse base of clients including entrepreneurial ventures, closely held entities, and public corporations. Her clients represent a variety of industries: manufacturing, including, food processing, metal fabrication, engineered after-market and OEM products, and contract manufacturing providers; banking, professional associations, telecommunications, publish-ing, property management, health care, not-for-profit organizations and direct mail mer-chandisers. Pat’s expertise in staffing and executive development spans the areas of leadership, planning, performance management, sales and sales management. She has facilitated staff development through one-on-one coaching, classroom instruction, workshops and public speaking.