Ms. Kristen E Osak

HarringtonJWhite Exec Search



  • Marketing Research
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Engineering
  • Telecommunications


I have 19 years of experience in the consumer packaged goods industry, building collaborative relationships with strategic customers. I began my career in management at the Nabisco Biscuit Company in 1990 and am now employed with Harrington J White, an executive search company with founders who have over 15 years experience. We all take the necessary time to listen to clients and candidates, understand their needs, and build long-term business relationships. We believe this simple, yet effective, strategy provides us with a competitive edge, but most importantly, it delivers results.

I'm married with two children and was born and raised in Trumbull, CT. I have a Bachelors of Science from ECSU.

typical job/search assignment

  • market research, marketing analytics, sales